There are two ways that you may be able to use your insurance benefits for therapy services- with an ‘in-network provider’ or an ‘out-of-network provider’. Most therapists at the CCOSA are not in-network providers with insurance carriers and, therefore, do not bill your insurance company or accept co-payments as fees for services. If you must see an in-network provider, please notify the CCOSA Intake Associate when calling or emailing to schedule an appointment. If no one at the CCOSA accepts your plan, we will provide a referral for other potential options. If no CCOSA therapist has a contract with your company, then you may also be able to utilize ‘out-of-network’ benefits with a clinician. Utilizing out-of-network benefits means that you as the client pay the session fees at the time services are rendered. We then provide you with a receipt that includes necessary information for your insurance company to reimburse you for expenses based on the details of your health plan. Your insurance company may have additional documentation that is required for processing out-of-network benefits claims; we will complete documents provided by clients. There is generally no charge for the completion of these documents unless the company’s paperwork requires a substantial amount of time.

Please be aware, though, that all insurance companies will require a mental health diagnosis be assigned to you or someone in the family unit seeking help (couple or family) in order to pay for psychotherapy services. We often hear from clients that they do not want to have a diagnosis assigned to them; these clients then often opt to pay for therapy with cash or credit and not to submit the claim to their insurance company.

To determine if you have mental health coverage, the first thing you should do is check with your insurance carrier. Check your coverage carefully and find the answers to the following questions:

What are my mental health benefits?

What is the coverage amount per therapy session?

How many therapy sessions does my plan cover?

How much does my insurance pay for an out-of-network provider? What forms need to be completed to obtain reimbursement for psychotherapy with an out-of-network provider?

Is approval required from my primary care physician?

Does my health plan cover couple and family psychotherapy sessions (Procedure Code 90847 is specifically what you should ask about if you are seeking couples or family therapy)?

Insurance(s) Accepted:

Each therapist is individually contracted with different insurance companies at this time.  Please contact our office for specific questions or search your insurance company by name of provider.
Cigna – LPC Associates are covered under Supervised Billing with Dr. Franklin.